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Review of uniforms and symbols of Indian judiciary system- submission
His Excellency Ram Nath Kovind,
President of India,
President house, New Delhi-110001 India,
CC::1, Shri Narendra Modi,
Honorable prime minister of India,
2, Shri N. V. Ramana
Chief Justice of India,
3, Shri Kiren Rijiju,
Minister of Law and Justice,
4, Ms Sonia Gandhi,
President -Congress,
5, Shri Manan Kumar Mishra and Shri S. Prabakaran
Bar council of India,
Respected President of India Shri Ram Nath Kovind Ji,
Following is submitted on the subject:
1, It is said that "people are categorized by the uniform they wear., people are also
recognized by the color of cloth they wear". Few add into it and say that internal
character and compulsion forces people to opt for certain dress, uniform and symbols and
exhibit classified behavior pattern which in turns( after wearing uniform and using
symbols) reinforces the internals of the people. In long run this behavior pattern take the
shape of habit and develop rigidity.
2, White light said to contain all color in it and generally liked by all or can say disliked
by rare. All the seven main colors generate different feeling not only in humans and
other animals but also in surrounding environment. Seven centers(Each center/Chakras
in human body is an embodiment of one color, I. e. Seven chakra-Seven colors, when
these centers are aligned people can said to have aura of white light- the photos of God
and goddesses be depicts with)
For example red colour considered to be life centric seeks strong attention and also
arouses deep sensations, hence used for stop signals, warning signals, Red tape and
clothing during marriage ceremony whereas green is used for depicting greenery and
heartful behavior frequently being used as a curtains in hospitals.
Similarly other color like orange-saffron (color of funeral pyre) considered to be death
centric and used by Saints and Sadhu,, Yellow is for depicted variety of senses, blue is
for speakers, indigo depicts the one who is in order( whose third eye has opened), who
can be considered fit to order and whose order establishes and become an order whereas Violet is rare commodity as it signifies the highest of possibilities( Shastrashar-thousand
petal of lotus) a human can attain. White as well as all other colors reflect light and
Black on the contrary denotes absence of all color, black does not reflect any light or
energy rather it sucks all kind of light and energy. Black depicts darkness and entire new
sets of living like Owl, Spiders, Bats, insects, flowers and wild animals like cats got
awakened and new sets of activities among humans too get started e. g. Theft, robberies,
lawlessness, seduction, gorilla warfare, tantric activities, night patrolling by police, black
cat commandos.
Black-age is being denoted as dark-age or Kaliyug or kalyug even it is being described
by few noted as satanic age wherein all important event and important person must have
some or the other feature of black. Few do equate black with creativity as most of the
procreative activities takes place during night.
It is to undersigned wonder that such a selection like, black coat of lawyers and judges,
black ribbon on the eyes of symbol of equal justice, black dress during convocation
ceremonies and black file are mere coincident, Inadvertent or it is planned act to forward
darkness, lawlessness, chaos, blood sucking techniques and tactics amongst the common
This need larger attention, deliberation and follow up actions. This shift in judiciary has
brought us to this plight and changes as per nature will bring laurels to our system.
3, There are two thought process in the world with regard to -Health, education and
justice one charges maximum fees and other charges no fees(free) and runs on the money
received through grace and gratitude. Indian psyche says anybody in its worst time may
not be having sufficient money and debarring such from basic, health, justice and
education is an obstacle in making harmonious society. These further says that in fact
people like to give more when they feel happy and wish to return the favor than when
they are charged compulsory.
Though our entire health, education and judiciary system need revamp for which
changing the black coat to Indian dress code will be beginning.
Undersigned is attaching two of its books as pdf namely Divincracy- divine democracy
and Mita Life Style agenda, which has some detailing on these issues ( books are
available on kindle also) for appreciation of your good-self.
4, Undersigned appreciate that how hard it is to change the simple pattern for example
Half pant to full pant by RSS, by Siren vehicles to no siren by babudom, judiciary and
ministers but request all concern for positivity.
5, It is observed that when those grows other suffers but when Bharat grows the world
flourish or recently said by our prime ministry "When India grows the world grows, when
India reforms the world transform".
Submitted please,
Your sincerely,
Narendra Agarwal,
G-02, Shiva Apartment, IAS colony,
Patna-801503, India
An open letter on safety and security of people, country and societies-which will
generate confidence and immense employment- submissions regarding:
His excellence Ram Nath Kovind
President of India,
President house, New Delhi-110001, India,
CC: Honorable Prime Minister of India Shri Narendra Modi ji,
Ms. Sonia Gandhi, president Congress,
Concern Ministers of government of India, Chief Minister of various states and other
personalities in India,
Subject: An open letter on safety and security of people, country and societies-which will
generate confidence and immense employment- submissions regarding:
Respected excellence Ram Nath kovind ji,
Following is submitted on the subject:
(1), Excerpts on Safety and Security from book Mita-Life Style Agenda (published in
2007) is attached herewith.
(2), In the known history of this era of around three thousand year, not a single war has
been fought to protect the basic faith and values and establish the rule of the perennialperpetual
Though the word Jehad, Holy war or Dharma-Yuddh were used but they were used as a
tactics to garner support of societies and arouse sentiments of fighters by the advantage
seekers, looters, extortionists and so called expansionist forces or by those who are
fighting to retaliate or to take revenge.
Lust and greed for power has been rising with the culmination of each war and reached
to a level where in such greedy wants entire control of earth even at the cost of basic
survival of humanity and that of other living.
What can be the remedy? Can war against these forces be a solution to finish these
forces and to establish rule of natural law?
It need to be deliberated upon that what can really be Jehad, holy war or Dharma-Yuddh
then it is equally necessary to explored every possibility to avert the war before entering
into the battle field.
(3), There are few rich and powerful who organizes the clashes, fight and war at all level
(local, regional, national, multinational) including full blown out world war similar to
that of sport event and Olympics. These people do so to earn money by selling to both
sides (to all participants) their arms and ammunition's, Space craft and surveillance
satellite, fighter jets and missiles, tanks and rocket launchers, war ships and submarines
etc. These people do so by having control on most of the media which arouses sentiments
of all participants in such a way that they look other as their enemy and then become
ready to finish this opponent at any cost even by having war with. At this point countries
become ready to buy arm and arsenals. The sale of arms give such a huge profit to the
suppliers that these people doesn't mind funding the political parties not only in power
but to their opponents as well. These people who are basically organizing of the war like
a sport activities appears to have a "Motto that- the war must go on".
In such a situation it is not at all correct to put the entire blame on any country,
community, caste and creed or color which many leaders and media generally claims.
Purging is needed at international level.
(4), Hype of safety and security has risen to such a level that countries after countries are
spending such an enormous amount on defense that it have made their own people not
only defenseless but malnutrition, hungry, starved and beggar. Many countries have
become even brutal not only to enemy countries but to their very own people and made
them miserable, citing safety and security concern of the country.
What a fallacy? What a nonsensical sense?
Does it not denote that the basics of safety and security have either been forgotten or put
up in the dustbin?
Larger participation of public has been missed out and sidelined in maintaining and
providing safety and security to society and country hence this scenario.
With the participation of society in providing safety to its children’s, females, weak and
destitute and security to house hold against theft, robbery and burglary can easily be
assured in an wholesome manner without giving much burden to taxpayers. It will also
generate job in huge quantity and boost the morale of society and co
(5), Year 2019-2021 has proven beyond any doubt that the world has more or less
become one and is being bullied by few. All countries appears to be following dictates of
these select few, whether it is China, America, Russia, Europe, England, India, Latin
American countries, Africa, Asia and Australia albeit Afghanistan. All countries have
suffered from common disease except countries like Afghanistan and become captive of
doctors, hospitals, medicine manufacturers and media.
Now if any individual, society, community or country thinking of its safety and security
in isolation than it is like day dreaming and bound to get doomed.
Now only global perspective by each individual, community and country can sustain and
will be able to provide safety and security even amidst the rhetoric’s of war or actual
(6) Australia, New Zealand and Canada have British flag; Japan is under military control
of Americans, Further Britain, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and America have five
eye treaties which make them share all the information to each other. Further most of the
countries are under heavy debt and it is most unlikely that donor country will give money
to wedge war against it. Such a scenario asks for fresh approach by all countries on marine and other security.
India can remind itself that how and why many people have not joined Ram and Krishna
in the war against the evil forces even when the general conscience was in favor of Ram
and Krishna.
(7), Tsunami word was coined in around nineteen hundred and fifty and came into
dictionaries in nineteen hundred and fifty nine. It is well known fact that nuclear testing
on ground cause earth quacks. Intensity of earth quacks caused by nuclear testing
depends upon the power of nuclear bomb. Further nuclear testing in the ocean causes
earth quack as well as Tsunami. On close scrutiny one can find out the difference
between natural earth quack and that has been caused by nuclear testing’s.
Earth quacks and Tsunami are increasing year after year, and this is a cause of great
concern for everyone and needs larger checks and balances.
(8) Placing of nuclear arsenal in space (with control to shift its axis of rotation) as
satellite and powerful armed drone guided by globally positioning systems which can hit
the target within an hour can hardly be any match to counter.
Effort is needed to develop the system which can mislead these or corrupt these devices
so as to avoid the catastrophe.
It appears that the upcoming war will have full component of psychology, land, water,
sky and space which can only be won by those who have firm footing on the ground that
is following the natural, perpetual and perennial dharma the Santana.
(9) It appears that to have the control on entire world these few select are not only busy
in developing arm and arsenals to win over the war by fighting, these are also busy in
weakening the world populace physically financially, emotionally and spiritually by
funding network of drugs and narcotics, pornography and prostitution, begging and
gambling etc. For managing all these activities these appears to be taking advantage of
technology like that of artificial intelligence and machine learning.
May be living in silos and having own wisdom cum resource cum information centers be
a solution to this upcoming problem. What is needed is selective unbundling.
(10), As far, as safety and security amongst tribal’s are concerned than one will
appreciate that each and every one is being trained to take care of not only safety and
security aspects of life but all other aspects men and women can encounter in their entire
life, be it priesthood, judiciary, business transaction or doing support job.
(11), At the start of settlement it was thought that how will take care of all the jobs which generally every tribesman does and also new jobs which might come because of the
settlement or to say the civilization. At this point society have decided to divide the job in
four part at equal footing: first-safety and security, second-education, planning and
strategy, acquiring new technology it's adoptions and dissemination, making rules and
regulations etc., third collection of material, storing of material and then it's distribution
in the society, fourth- to offer all other support services to the society in conjunction with
other three category.
If we look at current scenario in India than as per this demarcation approximately thirty
five crore people must be attached with various facades of safety and security.
Further to this distribution it was observed that to provide safety and security in an
wholesome manner it is necessary to have proper learning, proper teaching, proper
arrangement of necessities and proper management and administration of
system Providence of safety and security.
In this way this category was further divided in four segments as per age and experience.
It is taken that the active life of person is hundred years in which one will develop bodily
take education and training up to the age twenty five year then from twenty five to fifty
working on the ground then from fifty to seventy five, management and then seventy five
to hundred administration and imparting training.
If we look at this distribution than approximately nine crore people (male plus female)
must be involved in actual job of safety and security under the administration of society
at the cost which society can afford with.
At present scenario government can take few for advance service and then depute these in
society after the retirement. There is no point to have such a large number of highly paid
personnel in police as well as army not only by India also by all other.
For country like India it has been observed that this segregation has to be dealt at national
level, as one will find martial race and seekers more in Bihar, Bundel-khand, Rajasthan
Andhra pradesh, Tamilnadu etc. whereas business community and service class more in
Gujarat, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh etc.
(12), Recently we have witnessed how forces have advanced in Afghanistan and took
control wherein president has run away army couldn't stand and people without arm
watched helplessly entire episode. Had people are also being armed they would havefought tooth and nail.
In America people are allowed to carry the gun which gave people a sense of security. In
countries like India people watched helplessly when someone tries to loot them with
small arm. Police in these country though called government servant whose owner is
public doesn't mind harassing public and collecting bribe from them and nobody listens
to these complaint. These complaint and other exploitation have made public indifferent,
helpless, hopeless prone to drugs and narcotics and pornography to forget the problems
and fill the void.
(13), Paradigm shift is needed in Providence if safety and security. Currently all
government and private hospitals, government run public sector colonies, private
institutions, organizations, industries, hotels and public places have to hire private
security which indicates that government can't provide day to day internal security. It can
be noted that cities like even Delhi is not safe for people to roam around freely during
night then one can imagine situation in far flung areas of the country. This needs to be
(14), Looking at above it become obvious that society share the responsibility of
providing safety and security to all the citizens, foreign nationals living in country and visitors.
This effort will not only provide safety and security but will also evaporate the demand
for employment. Financially this is viable and morally it is superb.
In present scenario above will not only give solace but sense of satisfaction of doing
utmost to ensure safety and security in continuity.
Above is submitted,
With regard and good wishes,
Yours sincerely,
Narendra Agarwal,
G-02, Shiva Apartment,
IAS colony, Patna-801503, India,
Indian media- incessant down-pouring of irritation, instead (1) of giving correct
information (2) of reflecting or mirroring the society, (3) of putting effort in
correcting and making the healthy institution and society (4) of redressing
genuine public concern, (5) of organizing healthy and futuristic discussion in a
holistic approach- submission regarding:
Shri Narendra Modi,
Honorable prime minister of India,
7, Race course, New Delhi-110011 India
Respected Prime minister Shri Narendra Modi ji,
Following is submitted on the subject:
(A), "When India grows world grows,
When India reform world transform"!!
Question can be asked that how one will appreciate the changes in his or her daily life as
per above statement?
There can be broadly two ways one people centered or a democratic way and another is
leader centered or aristocratic way and still there is one other way of that of under world the
way of controllers:
1, People centered or democratic way:
(a) people will stop complaining, which will be reflected by the total number of
complaint felt or received by any department/institution are getting reduced.
(b) Expenditures toward health, education and justice getting reduced,.
(c) Expenditure toward entertainment and festivities, research and analysis, ventures and
adventures are getting increased.
(d) Reduction in activities and expenditure towards Media and Marketing, Lobbying and
photocopying ( business is nothing but a photocopying).
(e) Instead of cursing the management or the government people willingly will di
anything to protect the government.
2, Leader centred or aristocratic way:
(a) Leaders does whatever she or he likes but will continue to have broadcast, telecast,
podcast of news of wellness, goodness, India rising world is rising amongst the masses
either by funding media or by arm twisting or by partnering with media or by all three
Such practices has been carried out by the state media house like BBC, CNN etc. since
the inception of industrial age by most of the European countries which expanded their
empire in Asian, African and Latin American countries. These state run media houses are still indulging in promotion of contents which makes life miserable but on the face
appears to be good.
3, The way of under world the controllers:
These have stocks in the media of every country, these pumps the story of good ness as
well as badness and thus manipulate the market, these pumps the money in research and
development in all facets of media, these rather catch hold of entire media with a hidden
intention to rule the world.
They have such a dictating power that they can remove social media account even of
sitting president of America than what to talk of leader of opposition and ordinary citizen
of any country.
In a previous era Ravan was one such character whose empire have golden city the
overflowing of wealth in its gambit.
In present circumstances few are getting exposed and eliminated but the real one is really
creating ruckus in the world by utilising media as his servant or captive,
Ram got golden city burn and made media free from the clutches and allowed and
ensured that media remain free and fair without any fear or fervor.
India in its long history appreciated that golden Lanka get burn whereas golden bird is
either stolen or get looted( Sone ki lanja jala di jati hai aur sone ki chidiya loot li jati
hai). It is surprising to note that country and it's people get dared to burn the golden city
got busy in collecting small quantity of gold that is equal to sparrow. There is no need
for to run for gold or to run from gold at least for India and Indian- media need to be
cautioned accordingly.
(B) How can a media designed and operated upon for profit or supremacy be given
status of fourth pillar of democracy and accordingly privileges.?
(C) Do we need so much news, 24×7, streaming as if dooms day is about to come.
All news channel including doordarshan and Sansad can said to be creating more
confusion, irritation, chaos than clearing them and guiding the citizens.
(D) What is needed us to organise discussion on comparative religion, comparative
castes, language etc. amongst the expert as well as amongst the experienced so that we
can truly marched toward the goal, where in we can say- "when India grows world grows,
When India reforms world transform".
In view of above India need to streamline it's entire media and it's activities,
check and balances by social, religious, economic and political bodies.
Submitted please,
With regard and good wishes,
Your sincerely,
Narendra Agarwal,
G-02, Shiva Apartment,
IAS colony- Patna-801593, India,
CC: Shri Anurag Singh Thakur- Minister of
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